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Who's That?

Hi I'm Kate!
I am an impact-oriented, creative thinker with a passion for people. I
 thrive in collaborative environments, but I'm pretty good on my own too.

Together, lets create a positive impact


I consider myself a...

​Creative Communicator: I'm really good at getting the point across. I'll also do it in a creative, engaging, and maybe even funny way. 

Circular Learner: I like learning, and teaching. I digest information quickly and can effectively present it to others in a digestible manner.

Persistent Goal Reacher: I'll admit my standards can be high. But so is my work ethic. I work hard and adapt to achieve the results I am looking for.

Passionate Advocate: I passionately engage in conversations with an opportunity to advocate for what I believe in.

Curious Collaborator: I enjoy collaboration, considering multiple perspectives, and working with others to come to a common resolution.

Bingo in the Park club President

Bingo's mission is to create empowering relationships between TCU students and our local fort worth homeless community. The relationships I've made have deeply impacted my college experience and made me a more well rounded person. Not only has it impacted my life, and those that come, but it has introduced the topic of homelessness further into TCU's community, creating opportunity for discussion, initiative, and change.

Bingo in the Park has given me a since of purpose during my college journey. I became involved at the beginning of my sophomore year at TCU and have only fallen more passionate since. For the past two years I have served as the club's president to help ensure organization and communication throughout all members and events.

I love to express myself through my clothes. As I have become more aware of the typical practices within the fashion industry, I have begun searching for how I can contribute to a more positive environment. Through this I have found many amazing brands that share the same values as me. I have also become infatuated with thrift shopping. (I think about it in class, in the shower, in the car, when I'm sleeping... it doesn't stop). My closet now is about 80% thrifted, and to continue this passion I have started reselling some of my finds on Depop, an online thrift store. I love the story each piece of clothing holds and the expression enabled through a well executed ensemble. 

Passion for Fashion

Donation Drive

As students were moving out at the end of my first semester of college, I saw the trash cans around the dorms overfilling with new and lightly used items. This motivated me to start a donation drive at the end of my second semester. I reached out to the local shelter, Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County, and arranged to get boxes, and transportation for all the items donated. I created flyers, and distributed them along with the donation boxes around campus. I was astonished by the results. Every box I had set up was stuffed with donated items that otherwise would have been thrown away. It was absolutely awesome. 

Neeley Fellows Honors

Neeley Fellows is a three year honors business program at Texas Christian University. 30 students are admitted from every class to create a close knit cohort. Through rigorous academics, professional development, and cocurricular activities, the program enriches students of exceptional potential. 


There hasn't been a day of my life when I wasn't intrigued by the arts. I have always loved to create and convey things. I find it interesting the way people perceive the same thing differently, a concept which is I believe is further exemplified in painting. One's perception of color, shadow, and perspective lead to vastly different realizations on the canvas. To the left are some paintings I have completed over the past couple years. 

Some more things I like

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